Unveiling Tomorrow: Reflections on ‘Homo Deus’ by Yuval Noah Harari

"Homo Deus" is Yuval Noah's 2015 book, following "Sapiens" from 2011 (first published in Hebrew, then later, in 2015 in English). I first read Sapiens...


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Better People

Shooting Hearing Protection

What level of protection do I need? As much as you can get. To be blunt. Part of Firearms Safety is also wearing appropriate PPE1 when required. By law The Health and Safety in Employment Regulations...

Better Providers

Choosing a Long Range Hunting Bullet

Long Range Hunting, whether you agree with it or not, has grown massively in popularity in the last couple of years. Alongside that, the development of long range hunting bullets to meet with the new, unique demands of shooting at an animal that far away.

Better Fathers

Raising Bookworms: Nurturing a Lifelong Reading Habit in Kids

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.- Dr. Seuss Building a Reading Foundation Building a solid reading foundation for children is an...

  1. personal protective equipment